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2013 Rearch Projects

  1. Business Continuity Plan for disaster proof hospital based on medical needs and hospital information network. (PI: Shinichi Egawa).
  2. Effective receiving of help and support in large area disaster (cont.). (PI: Hiroyuki Sasaki)
  3. Database construction of medical records in the shelters in Great East Japan Earthquake. (PI: Arata Hirakawa, Shinichi Egawa)
  4. Robot assisted search and rescue (PI: Shnichi Egawa, Robin Murphy)

2012 Rearch Projects

  1. Curriculum planning of disaster medical coordinators. (PI: Shinichi Egawa)
  2. Effective receiving of help and support in large area disaster. (PI: Hiroyuki Sasaki)
  3. Impact analysis of Great East Japan Earthquake on Disaster Base Hospitals. Establishment of guidelines for hospital business continuity plan. (PI: Atsunori Nakagawa, Shinichi Egawa)
  4. Standardization and coordination of disaster management manual for medical, public health and welfare. (PI: Naruo Uehara, Shinichi Egawa)

Division of International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine
International Research Institute of Disaster Science

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